Thursday, 10 July 2014

GINGER TEA ... flu remedy in a cup.

Good evening everyone,
This was sent in from one of us. Lovey ,natural,easy recipe that could go a very long way more than you ever imagined!

I'm a sucker for healthy,natural recipes..and most of us have been down with flu at one point and I particularly hate the drugs because they are I bring a simple recipe for a healthy,soothing and refreshing tea..GINGER TEA

• 1/2 Fresh ginger root

• 1 Cup water

• 1 teaspoon of honey (sugar if no honey but honey is healthier and honey also helps with flu)

• 2 tbsp. Chocolate Beverage

Step 1: Peel off the papery skin of the ginger with a spoon(It'd come off easily) or a knife, rinse clean and grate with a grater
 Step 2: Place the grated ginger in a small pot, add 2 cups of water. Heat for about 3-5mins. Sieve out the concentrate and transfer into a cup.
Step 3: Dilute with hot water to reduce the intense ginger taste, add some sugar and serve.

 NOTE: To add a different twist to it, you could add Any chocolate powdered drink to it.....Yummy!

Uses and Health Benefits Of Ginger

In Traditional medicine, ginger has been used as a remedy to various forms of common and uncommon health problems  i.e:

• Ginger contains Chromium, magnesium and Zinc which aids in Normal blood circulation as well as prevent or treat fever, Flu and cold.

• Ginger helps reduce High blood pressure (Hypertension)..yep! and garlic is a blood thinner too.

• Ginger is effective in relieving menstrual pain..(Now ladies,that's one very important reason to make this drink your bestie)

• Ginger helps improve the absorption and assimilation of essential nutrients in the body.

• It's a good remedy for nausea and motion sickness

• It's Used in relieving Asthma, Heart palpitations

• For pregnant women, it helps combat morning sickness such as nausea and vomiting( soon to be married sis,take note)

• Ginger is a natural expectorant which helps in calming respiratory problems such as cough, throat and nasal congestion

• Ginger helps in lowering cholesterol, and also reduces the risk of stroke by inhibiting fatty deposits from the arteries.

• Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties which helps relieve aching muscles and joints.

• Ginger protects against Colo-rectal /ovarian cancer.

• Ginger helps reduce flatulence or tummy gas.

We campaign switching to healthy alternatives, getting an over-the-counter drug for all these ailments is easier and less stressful but they stress our livers and kidneys. We take in toxins everyday in different forms so it makes sense allowing your body switch to the natural!

Give it a try and let us know what you think please.
Good night,
Blog team.                                               

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