Monday, 7 April 2014

2014 Health Week..... Day1!!!

Okay people!! So it’s no longer news that the 2014 health week commenced today with the rally. There was a nice turn out though a little late (only God knows when ‘African-man time would be history).
So we took the health week/HIV and AIDS awareness campaign all over the school environs, though this was hinged by the fact that exams were already in session but all the same a good number of students benefited.

We would want to specially thank Dr. Frank-Briggs, Dr. Ugwu both of pediatrics dept. and our Patron Prof. Akani for the wonderful words of advice, support and encouragement given to us today. Thanks everyone for showing up too!

Let’s remind us that tomorrow Tuesday 8th April would be a seminar day and Theme exposition. Also there would be an inter-faculty quiz (…with the exam fever on, let’s see how hot their brains and the inter-faculty debate(British parliamentary system). Venue would be at Ebitimi Banigo Hall. 10 am prompt. Still wondering what the ‘British parliamentary system’ means? Well, come and find out.  Good night everyone.


  1. Na so I go jst dey cast maself healthweek eva..

  2. Hey Guys Pls upload day to day pictures of d weeks event.----Asanwa

  3. Hehehe@ Kozz! Can't wait to see d oda activites of d week

  4. G.PUMPAIN!!!!!!!!!!


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