Saturday, 2 August 2014


Ladies and Gentlemen, we are here again to present another outstanding Fashion star. it is always awesome when people see a Medical Student who can do all the book work and still Dress to the teeth.
our Man for today is no other than the comedian, basketball player, footballer, singer etc etc Dr. Enyinnia Okeke popularly known as "ESKOD". Oya no more talk lets see what Dr.Eskod has for us!!!!
Fresh core!!!!

complete even up to his facial hairs

Alahajii Eskod

It takes a real dresser to pull off White pants like this....awesome!!!
In conclusion.......

  There you have it my friends, Enjoy!!!!!........please leave a comment for Eskod and from the blog team to Eskod we say "Keep looking Fresh"
If you consider yourself stunning enough to grace our page,please do send your fabulous pictures (full) about 10 of them to our mailbox, with the caption 'FAB FORM' with your name and details. Thanks..


  1. Make em head come swell burst nw... *pensive*

  2. Fab laff get my belle..! Not impressed please...and that alhaji pose is 4 wat?? *spits*

  3. Dude is particulalrly cute..and d@ white pant combo..he hit it right where it shud be...meanwile boss, go back to ur base nau, ur backseat misses u

  4. @Anonymous at11:58..........ya fada!!!!!!

  5. I really don't get what's 'Fab' about this guy's appearances. I guess the people in charge of this blog don't know what it is to be fab or just want to make this guy happy. Anyway..he is not bad..but not 'fab'.. Ciao

  6. I really don't get what's 'Fab' about this guy's appearances. I guess the people in charge of this blog don't know what it is to be fab or just want to make this guy happy. Anyway..he is not bad..but not 'fab'.. Ciao

  7. Buahahahaha @ anonymous 11 58! U took dse words out of my buccal cavity girlllll/mehnnnn

  8. @anon 11.58 and fans oh pls shut ur gutters!! Send una pics to blogteam if u think u are better off.. I'm sure they won't think twice discarding dem into recycle bin... Awon oshi buruku!

  9. @anon 11.58 and fans oh pls shut ur gutters!! Send una pics to blogteam if u think u are better off.. I'm sure they won't think twice discarding dem into recycle bin... Awon oshi buruku!

  10. Totally not impressed.please admin remove the entire pics


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