So, I stumbled across this, before you run along, take a good look and learn something, yes! you! learn something new and impacting.
Learning the Basics of Respect
- Acknowledge each person's intrinsic value as a human being;
No matter who they
are, each person has an intrinsic value that must be recognized and respected
by you. Eg: When you're with a woman, avoid treating her as if she's simply a
prize to be won, a vessel to have sex with or an empty slate for you to cast
all your ideas on. Instead, treat each woman as a human being, with intrinsic
value based on that.
- Allow others to maintain their dignity.
This means not only treating people as having intrinsic
value, but also treating them in a way that allows them to maintain that sense
of worth and well-being.
Eg; Don't press unwanted sexual conduct onto another person.
For instance, don't ever send unsolicited naked pictures of yourself. Don't
touch someone without first getting their consent, especially in a sexual area
(even if they are getting down and dirty on the dance floor), and don't!,
absolutely don't, force someone into having sex with you, whether through
manipulation, through threat, or through intoxication.
- Acknowledge each person's personal autonomy;
This means allowing people to make their own choices and to
trust them to know what this means.
- Consider each person to be of equal worth to yourself.
Yes! This goes out to those ones who think they are all
that. Roll eyes.
Respecting Others through Actions
- Practice self-respect; look because you want to respect others as you would hope to be respected, it is incredibly important that you extend to yourself the same respect.
- Really listen; A lot of people don't listen very well, because they're distracted, checking their phone, or thinking about the next thing that they are going to say. Look people in the eye when they're talking. Don't let your gaze dart all over the room, or they will feel that you aren't listening to what they're saying.
- Treat other people's
ideas with due consideration; This means listening to another person's ideas, opinions, advice with an open mind. Even if
you don't necessarily agree with them, give them the benefit of thinking about
what they have said.Now, if someone's ideas are disrespectful or harmful (like
they present racist or sexist views, for example) you are under no obligation
to listen to them and should, if you can, let them know that they are
presenting disrespectful views.
- Don't intrude on the time and privacy of others; Time is something that we don't have a lot of in the modern era, so make sure that it's really necessary that you invade someone's privacy. If you share a house with someone, check in with them before inviting a bunch of people over and ask for their permission. Yas!guys take note,most of you do this a lot.
- Be mindful of your words; Think carefully about what you're going to say and to whom, otherwise you might hurt someone. Use the term "someone with a physical disability" rather than a word like "crippled," "lame," or "deformed." This way you are not defining a person by their physical (or mental, etc.) Even using a word like "girl" or "chick" to describe a woman above the age of 18 is infantilizing and disrespectful.
- Cultivate good manners; This is as simple as saying "thank you" and "please" when you're requesting something of another person. It shows that you respect the time and effort it will take them to help you and will allow them to feel respected.
don't have to like someone to treat them with respect. You simply have to
acknowledge their basic worth as a human being, no matter who they are.
Yea right!